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Episode 6

Allegra Bozorth & Benjamin Pennant

Today we began by heading to the Summer Palace, which is located very close to Tsinghua University so was very convenient to get to. We walked around the huge expanses of lands which constituted the Summer Palace. After exploring the area around the man-made lake, we climbed up a hill and had an amazing view of the area. Then, we went back to the bus and went back to campus to have a few hours of free time to prepare for the arrival of the incoming freshmen and GIX students. Some people went out for food, some walked around campus, and some just took a nap. A few of the students that were outside exploring campus got to experience the first rainstorm of our trip.

When the incoming freshmen arrived, they checked in and began to mingle with the Husky Ambassadors and meet their new roommate. One current student and one incoming freshman were in each room. The combined group tried to play the game similar to hackysack that they had discovered earlier in the week. After a while, it was time for the opening ceremony and dinner, so everyone moved inside to eat and participate in a few more icebreaker games as they had their food. When everyone had finished eating, we moved outside to participate in some mixers and exercises that made us think about our stances and perspectives on leadership. This was our last activity of the night so everyone headed back into the hotel and went to bed.

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