Dear Beijing Traffic,
It's been real fun to experience you. Your liveliness is such that reflects the city of Beijing itself. One that seldom dies out and is very bold in its ways and inherently excites and stretches you to be assertive in your own actions. It was quite scary at first, to see everyone trying to drive and get ahead of one another all at the same time. Nobody seems to have a right of way until you realize you have to make your right of way solely based on the intuitive sense that you could make it across. Reflective of many situations in life. It has taught me that when I come to a busy crossroad in my life, filled with many obstacles and worries, when the time is appropriate, I must take a leap of faith and trust my inner intuition to lead me to my destination/goals. At the very same time I must be prepared to stop or take detours along my intended path. So thank you Beijing traffic, for being dysfunctionally functional and teaching and reminding me to be comfortable with change and taking risks throughout life.