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Dear Alumni Jay,

We had a great and sight-opening talk at the dinner table. Your experience of founding companies is really dramatic and hardworking. You gave us clear explanation of the reason you leave a good company and start your own. Your suggestion of staying in a company for 3-4 years in order to learn the way big company runs and the core idea of big companies. Use theirs as examples, make your own with better ideas. The way people think and the way to manage different people is an art. It takes time to learn the skill. That’s the thing we should have learned at UW and at least 3 years work at company. It gets hard when the company gets big or goes down. At those times, founder group may split because of different initiated ideas at first. Also, the danger of being killed by big companies is pretty common in the same field. Your comparison of founding company in China and American is agreeable: China has more users while American has more protection and regulations. They golden age of founding a company is between late 20’s and before 40. It will be an amazing journey and I am looking forward to my own adventure. Sincerely, Richard

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