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Xin Ray

Dear Self,

I enjoyed HPA’s way of using such a creative way to teach us about these lessons on leadership. I mean, personally I think that these lessons are not only just about leadership but also a lot about self-exploration and self-realization – especially in terms of our personality. From yesterday’s simulation game (card game), I realized that sometimes I can be too quick to judge and can forget to listen to other people. In real life, since I was in an international school, I am more open-minded but in other situations, I can forget. So thanks for reminding me that I should/could improve and be more patient and willing to accept.

The second lesson I got was from today’s simulation. We were supposed to act in character of ‘time concern,’ ‘interrupting’ and ‘no body contact.’ While the last didn’t apply, the other two are very alike with me and that scares me. I realized once again that I can be over assertive and impatient to people and because I’ve experienced the cons of these many times – especially when I am leading – I want to change, to slow down and learn to listen. Not only in cases when I tell myself to but also unconsciously.

Maybe that’s too hard for me right now, to change, but please, be at least aware of this and keep reminding myself that I can change.


Xin Ray

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